The MacBook Pro is built with the Intel-based Processor. It has two memory sockets and can be upgraded to 2-8GBs maximum depending on your model. Memory can be installed one module at a time. Apple recommends that two modules of the same size be installed for maximum performance.
Model | Standard Memory | Maximum Memory | Memory Expansion | Memory Sizes | Memory Type |
A1151 | 1GB (512MBx2) | 2GB | Two Slots | 256MB | 512MB | 1GB | 667MHz PC2-5300 DDR2 |
A1212 | 2GB (1GBx2) | 3GB | Two Slots | 256MB | 512MB | 1GB | 2GB | 667MHz PC2-5300 DDR2 |
A1229 | 2GB (1GBx2) | 6GB | Two Slots | 256MB | 512MB | 1GB | 2GB | 4GB | 667MHz PC2-5300 DDR2 |
A1261 | 2GB/4GB | 6GB | Two Slots | 256MB | 512MB | 1GB | 2GB | 4GB | 667MHz PC2-5300 DDR2 |
A1297 | 4GB (2GBx2) | 8GB | Two Slots | 2GB | 4GB | 1066MHz PC3-8500 DDR3 |
A1297 (Early 2011 and later) | 4GB (2GBx2) | 8GB | Two Slots | 2GB | 4GB | 1333MHz PC3-10600 DDR3 |