This is the same-day teardown video of the iPad 2.


Same here I need to swap the old data to the new one

8 years ago
I need to get my old date off of my old broken none booting ipad and transfer it to my new Ipad so can this be done.


8 years ago
I have a ipad 2 that died. I am wondering, is there a way to recover the data on the hard drive? Or is that not possible yet? I have it disassembled, the logic board is out - where is the hd? it's a flash memory drive I thought - is it part of the logic board assembly? I couldn't tell.


10 years ago


10 years ago
My iPad 2 screen is green, I swapped lcd with one working ok on another iPad, the same problem,wil it be a logic board failure? If it is can I install an OEM logic board? Regards


10 years ago
Can I use a wifi digitizer to replace a cracked 3G screen. If so why does the ipad I have done this to not powered up.

Powerbook Medic

10 years ago
@Erin - yes you can.


10 years ago
Is it possible to swap an iPad2 16gb motherboard for another iPad2 16gb motherboard? Will it work the same


11 years ago
I have problem in find a logic board ipad 2 emc 2560 for my ipad 2 wifi only. if you did help me.
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